There used to be a time when humans harvested gravel out of the rivers. Sure it made the water a little dirty, nothing worse than a good rainstorm would produce. When the rivers were harvested, it would give the fish many deep channels and cool pools to swim in. Life was good for the fish then. They prospered because there was plenty of room for all of them to live freely. Ice jams were pretty much non-existent then. The river had deep channels to move on freely.

Well, years have gone by now and the fish wonder, why are there no more deep channels and cool pools for them? Why is nobody harvesting the rivers anymore? Then the fish found out. It seems that in the human world a political sense of thinking has taken over the more prosperous common sense way of thinking.

So, if I were a fish, I would say to the people who conceived the plan to spray the river, you should receive a hefty fine and a heaping plateful of your river coating for your next meal. I would remind humans, common sense thinking is life and political sense thinking is unavoidable ruination for all in every aspect of their lives.

Eric Ladensack

