We all know board members and administrators. They are not demons. It is rather the climate that has become the permit process that we need to address. We need to find a way from the adversarial positions taken going into the permit process to seeing each other as partners in growth of any kind, because it is going to happen and it doesn't have to be so hard. I am not going to give the adjectives that I've heard about the permit process in all the towns, but I will say that I am shocked at the vehemence and sour residue that comes from our current process from those who have been subjected to it.

Let's keep talking to each other. Our board members are not gods, they are our neighbors. If we don't talk to them, we had better just accept that we have relinquished the direction our Valley is taking to a system that is not giving us the kind of place that we want. It is not improving or even preserving the life that we came here for but making people feel stifled and afraid to speak up. Is that what we want?

Let's keep talking until the process for growth is what we mean it to be.

Brooke Cunningham
