To be very honest, we went to our dictionaries to see what exactly "podiuming" means and found no such word. We also have no clue as to what he is talking about when he refers to "medaling" in public. However, neither of these sounds very complimentary. Malcolm was in the beginning stages of a bike race when someone from another lane ran into him. What on earth is Mr. Reilly talking about? He wasn't even close to a podium and he certainly didn't get a medal!  I have attempted to call this gentleman to get an explanation but I do not get an answer.

To write such a letter after a person has been hit while innocently participating in an event that requires so much training, discipline and passion is despicable. As Malcolm recovers from his injuries, first from surgery, then physical therapy and now at home, those who are his friends hope that he and Barbara can overlook the calloused attempt of Mr. Reilly to get across whatever it is that he is trying to communicate. There are many in this Valley who care deeply for both of these individuals and hope for Malcolm's speedy recovery.

Jolyn Joslin

