The herbicides used are much stronger and more pervasive than those used 23 years ago. All herbicides are hormone based (including estrogen hormones) and two studies in Florida have shown the connection between breast and prostate cancer and exposure of herbicide spraying.

It seems that birders use the rights of way a great deal as they give a clear view of many birds. One can imagine what foliar spraying up to eight feet in height would do to birds, not only physically but to their habitat and food sources. Songbirds are already declining in numbers and people who are involved with birds should inform Green Mountain Power of their concern.

The Vermont Pesticide Advisory Council has NO public members (of which it should have two) as Governor Douglas has made no move to actually appoint them. Therefore, it is an organization largely based on pesticide-approving or -using individuals who give permits to spray almost without exception.

So it is vitally important that the public makes clear its view on this matter and gets in touch with D. Schnure or the CEO of Green Mountain Power, Chris Dutton, at 1-888-835-4672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write them in your bill.

P.A. Davies

Waitsfield Citizens Against Toxic Sprays
