She is hard working, fair, compassionate and practical. She listens to both sides and is respectful to all involved even if she does not agree with them politically. Her training as an attorney enables her to understand the implications of proposed legislation, and ask key questions to determine if she will support or oppose a bill. She is a longtime supporter of legislation to make children safer, to enable working single parents to succeed, and to rein in healthcare spending.

As a native Vermonter and a lifelong hunter and angler, I have found Representative Grad to be very responsive to my concerns over public access to hunting lands, clean water and the future of outdoor sports. Because of my respect for her, I am broadening my views of how we should pay for education in our state. I trust Maxine Grad to ask good questions of the right people, whether the subject is education funding, debt collection, police training, youth hunting days or something else.
William S. Smith

