To The Editor:

Hats off to Jim Boylan for his article in the July 11 Valley Reporter In My View. You don't have to be an art expert to understand the picture Jim painted. It certainly appears that Waitsfield is indeed at a "tipping point." Could buying the Farm Stand property for the new town office or the purchase of the Flemer barns have a negative consequence for the town? Probably, so. Can we afford to lose more tax revenue for the town? Don't let the $750,000 grant cloud your judgment; there is no such thing as "free money." Now we still have to vote for the $600,000-plus bond for the Farm Stand site. How many times do we have to vote no on this issue?

We need to reconsider our other options/locations outside the immediate village. That way a two-story building would not be a requirement. Let's get some creative input on this to the select board and come up with something we can afford. Don't forget we still owe several hundred thousand dollars to the state for the "Big Pipe" debacle. Get out and vote on July 30!

Larry Corthell
