To The Editor:

We began Phantom Music Series with a show by The Stray Birds in Jim Edgcomb's barn about two years ago. Thirty or forty of us gathered together not knowing exactly what to expect, and from the first note we sat in awe of these three young musicians. Their instrumental work is polished, multi-faceted and performed with finesse far beyond their years ... their vocal harmonizing is superb. This will be our third show now with the Birds, and we are extremely pleased to have them play for us again.

About two months ago I made an announcement that Phantom Music Series was coming to an end and this would be our farewell show. I couldn't imagine sending the series off with a more appropriate act, and I still feel very much the same. However, some folks throughout The Valley have been very resistant to the idea of discontinuing the series and saying farewell to the caliber of talent we've been able to entice to come play for us. There are murmurings amongst the ranks of sponsorship and the possibility of a group forming to help keep the series alive. They are just murmurings so far, but it's incredibly heartening to hear there are folks out there who feel as we do, that keeping quality music here in The Valley is important and worth putting forth the effort to make sure it persists.

So we don't yet know for sure if this is the last show for Phantom Music Series, as I had advertised, or whether the rally cry will bear fruit. It is certainly our deep desire to continue bringing great music to The Valley. We've loved every minute of the endeavor and are exceptionally thankful for the kind words and the appreciation folks have shown for our efforts. This is a great community we live in and for 22 years Nancy and I have been incredibly proud to be a part of it. We saw this music series as a way for us to give back to the community that has been so giving to us. We're hopeful circumstances will align in order that we can continue doing so.

Thanks, everybody, and if anyone has the desire to become more involved in Phantom Music Series in any context at all please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Matt and Nancy Sargent

