If this minor tax increase will indeed stop him from investing in job creation, explain the fact that, after 10 years of Bush tax cuts for the rich, unemployment is at 9.5 percent when in the 1950s and 60s, with a top marginal tax rate of 90 percent, unemployment was at about 3 percent.  History has a nasty habit of debunking right wing talking points. 

Also, logically, most small business owners have said the reason they are not hiring is because they are afraid there will be no one to buy their products.  Only the average worker is going to start buying when we can.  The rich have been buying all this time and it hasn’t grown the economy. 

And because you don’t pay us enough: $21,000 is not enough to buy an adequate insurance policy, we rely on some sort of state/federal Medicaid support system.  Bernie is right.  It would be catastrophic for many of us if this were curtailed.  The rich in the USA pay less than every other wealthy country.  We are a tax haven.  Surely you can see your way to supporting our country in this time of shared sacrifice.

One last thing:  I have been paying into the social security and Medicare funds for about 41 years.  Social security is NOT part of the budget deficit.  The private medical insurance system is totally broken.  We desperately need a government run system to cut costs and provide adequate care.  For our country to renege on a promise we made to one another back in the mid 20th century would be a moral travesty.


Robin Lehman

