To The Editor:

I would like to comment on the letter sent in by H. Motes about the failures of the Waitsfield Select Board. I must say the letter is so off the wall and lacking of logic I suspect this is really not for real.

First, if H. Motes is so disappointed in the performances of the select board members, naming Paul Hartshorn, Chris Pierson and Scott Kingsbury, why doesn't he pry his behind off the couch and run for select board himself? Paul Hartshorn I have had many disagreements with, but I am profoundly grateful for his common sense and fiscal responsibility. Nothing like giving a down-to-earth Vermonter something to manage and they will.

Does H. Motes wish to run Waitsfield in such the manner of Detroit or California, democratic bastions of wild reckless spending? Hell, even squirrels save for the winter; this is really a no-brainer.

Finally, as a proud supporter of the T.E.A. party philosophy, I would be happy to clue H. Motes in the need for fiscal balance, just like I try to do every day in my own money management.

A real no-brainer.


Mary L. Laulis




