To The Editor:

This letter is addressed: To the residents of Duxbury, VT,

Hopefully you all have seen the warning for Duxbury's Town Meeting and plan to attend the Town Meeting to be part of the solution.

The Town Meeting notice that was sent out to voters included the articles up for vote at the meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.

Among these articles is Article 9 which refers to the attempt by the townspeople to require recording of the select board meetings to be held in archives for retrieval at a future time.

This is the important part that I want you to be aware of: Included in the Town Meeting notice directly after Article 9 and before Article 10 is a commentary from the select board referencing the opinion of a lawyer from VLCT (VT League of Cities and Towns) stating that this (recording of select board meetings) was not "required" by state statute.

According to the director of elections in the secretary of state's office, including such commentary in an official Town Meeting warning is inappropriate and in direct violation of Vermont Statute 17 VSA 2666, which reads:

"§ 2666. Improper influence

Neither the warning, the notice, the official voter information cards, nor the ballot itself shall include any opinion or comment by any town body or officer or other person on any matter to be voted on."
Please be sure to familiarize yourself with this documentation as it will be an issue at Town Meeting.

Hope to see you all there.

Erin Campos, Duxbury