To The Editor:

I am a husband, father of two children and small-town Vermont lawyer who lives in Moretown. I hope that my fellow community members will join me in voting for Maxine Grad for our representative in the Vermont General Assembly.

Maxine is the chair of the House Judiciary Committee. She holds a primary leadership position in our Legislature and uses that position to our benefit. I have appeared before Maxine's committee as a lawyer and have always left impressed with her intelligence, her command of issues and, importantly, her temperament and demeanor.

I’m equally impressed as her constituent. She always has time to hear my concerns, and I have watched her interact with my neighbors in the same way. I take comfort in knowing that she is in Montpelier working tirelessly for my family and for every Vermonter.

Please join me in supporting Maxine Grad when you go to the polls.

Greg Nagurney
