To The Editor:

This letter is addressed to the HUUSD Board.

I voted no on the school budget because I disagree with your plan to close Harwood Middle School and move those students and Moretown’s fifth- and sixth-graders to a school that doesn’t have enough space to house them. I voted no on the school budget because I stand with the overwhelming amount of teachers who have spoken out against your process. I voted no on the school budget because I care more about students than numbers. I voted no on the school budget because I believe we need new leadership in this district, and I call on you to ask for Superintendent Nease’s immediate resignation. And, I voted no on the school budget because, in a recent federal court filing, you argued that "If voters disapprove of the HUUSD Board's grade configuration plan, they can indicate their disapproval by voting against the fiscal year 2021 budget that moves forward that plan."

It’s time for you to honor your words. I believe in our schools and communities, and I know that if we work together in a more inclusive and transparent way, we can build a future that we can all be proud of.

Natalie Vasseur

Fayston, Vermont