To The Editor:

As a part-time resident of the Shire and a most-of-the-time flatlander from New Jersey, I treasure my enhanced Second Amendment rights, mine when I cross the Vermont border.  Yes, I own firearms, lawfully purchased in both states. And in Vermont, when in residence, I have the right to carry a concealed weapon.  But in the time of the pandemic, this novel concealed weapon and its presence in my body may be unknown to me. I might be an asymptomatic carrier of deadly particles of virus. Bullets are easy to spot. They are big, bulky and take up space on my person. They make a loud noise when they are fired. Not so with virus particles, biologic bullets that I causally emit. They too can kill or injure others with whom I come into contact. Thus, I was stunned by Mr. Hartshorn’s analysis and expression of mask wearing as a road to communism. And I felt compelled to express my heartfelt disagreement with rampant stupidity. But then, that is also protected as a First Amendment right.

We've all seen pictures that show how we can protect one another, even inadvertently, from causing harm to others.  When breathing, talking, singing, shouting, coughing or sneezing, wear a mask or face covering. The life you save may be your mother’s. Like boots in the rain or an overcoat in the winter, she would tell you to always wear protection. 

Rudolph Jaeger
New Jersey and Warren