To The Editor:

I’d like to voice my support for Tracy Martin’s opinion, “Not so disappointed,” last week in response to the “Sorely disappointed” opinion from two weeks ago. I see the removal of the MAGA and All Lives Matter flags as an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in the same spirit as removing Confederate statues of Civil War generals.

To many people the acronym MAGA is synonymous with blatant, unabashed racism, misogyny and transgender phobia which has manifested in this administration to exclude LGBGT people from health care and housing rights. There have also been drastic cuts in Planned Parenthood funding for women’s health care and family planning. Misogyny manifests its ugly head by supporting patriarchy, male privilege and belittling of women. It punishes those who reject an inferior status for women and rewards those who accept it. Sound familiar? Would swastikas and a KKK hood be a protected form of expression?

Wikipedia says, “Prayer flags are used to bless the surrounding landscape.” MAGA and its associations has greatly disrespected our already damaged earth, air and water, promoting the deregulation of EPA rules. Hardly a blessing in my eyes.

Michael Levengood,