To The Editor:
There is an enormous school funding project, with an enormous price tag, 
soon to be voted on November 2.



 I urge all citizens to educate themselves on the $60 million Harwood Unified Union School District bond proposal.
The bond has four "buckets" of projects.
1. Compliance and repairs at Harwood -- $22 million.
2.Efficiencies and improvements at Harwood -- $14 million.
3.Education alignment at Harwood -- $17 million.
4. Addition of Crossett Brook Middle School (seventh and eighth grades) $6 million.


The net cost of the bond would be about 8.2% or $2.9 million for the next 20 years. This will certainly create an impact on tax rates. There is no question Harwood Union needs upgrades and repairs. Why they were not done over the years within the framework of an annual budget? Do we need a third gym? There is a second gym on the upper floor. Why do we have no local contractors that qualify for renovations? We have some 
excellent contractors in The Valley that could upgrade the track and field course. Why are we not employing them?
There are many questions. Examine carefully the details of each of the four "buckets."
Please go to Read and review the site plans. Be informed, educate and activate!
Carole Crossman