To The Edito:

Part 1

My opinion is that the Europeans are an aggressive people. They colonized the Americas under the guise of Manifest Destiny for Christians. They achieved the most complete genocide in modern history. They/we believed that we had the right to subjugate and eliminate the peoples that were already living in the Americas. The Indigenous peoples were either savages or they simply didn’t exist. We were fulfilling the biblical quest of Christian domination of the world.

In the late 19th century, because of the pogroms and anti-Semitism in Europe, the first Zionists came into being as a force. Most Jews didn’t go along with this. After the holocaust, the Zionists gained power in Europe, both amongst Jews and anti-Semites. The Zionists wanted a homeland and the anti-Semites wanted the Jews out of Europe. Simplistically put, Palestine became that geographic area to colonize. The Europeans had been doing it for centuries. They were experts. So, in 1948, the white Euro/American UN said, “Yeah! Palestine is perfect for a Zionist Jewish homeland.” Israel was born.

So, the European Zionists created a Jewish government that was meant for Jews only. Strange as it might seem the Palestinians didn’t agree with this idea. As a matter of fact, most Jews didn’t agree with it either. Only Zionists thought it was a good idea. Once again, the Indigenous people were either savages or they simply didn’t exist. And now, the Israeli government wants to eliminate all Palestinians in the region from the river to the sea.

Part 2

 Whether you agree with my history or not, it makes no difference. The barbarism must stop. There are Israelis who were born in Israel/Palestine. They are now natives. Palestinians are still native and are entitled to their land and homes, and to the right of democracy in their homeland. The Israelis are the aggressors now. They will not be safe until they realize that Jewish state is untenable and it is not a democracy. At least Iran is honest when they call themselves the Islamic Republic of Iran. We, the democratic Republic of the United States have to stop Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians. We are the only ones with the coercive power to stop Israel. Both practically and morally we must force Israel to stop this aggression. Cease-fire now.

Robin Lehman