Joe Lieberman, a Democrat until his party did him dirt in the recent primaries, recently spent 10 days in the Mideast and is reported to have found that generals and colonels were asking for more troops and that they believe in what they are fighting for and they want to finish it by winning.

This newly elected majority (liberal Democrats) have always maintained a posture of carping, complaining, interference, obstruction and meddling but never put forward a plan of their own for winning this and future phases of this huge global assault on the West's way of life.

Remember Islamic fundamentalism has been described as a "21st century political project driven by 7th century ideology." They are not fighting to be offered something, they are fighting to eliminate us (the Infidels) and take it as their reward, killing as many of us through "asymmetrical warfare" (terror, subterfuge, lies, madrassa education, etc.) as possible prior to assuming a comfortable life with 72 virgins.

In spite of this, our Democrat leaders are bent on finding ways to make our failure in this Mideast phase a certainty and to develop statements that will make it palatable. What should be occurring is for our elected officials to be reading off of the same page and assist immediately in providing as much effort, money and manpower as the military requires to gain this essential step towards winning this hugely important war.

Olin E. Potter

