All wet spots should have equal protection, I say - where is the ACLU when you really need them? What about the current unprotected swales? Should wheeled vehicles be allowed to regularly traverse or approach swales? Should horizontal wooden structures be allowed near swales? Swales have rights too! Careful, you might find yourself in violation while mowing your lawn or, worse yet, grilling on your back deck!

It's great to hear Lenord's voice of reason again. The USGS topography map is a great resource to use for a definition of stream; common sense is another. All too often it seems that any trickle of water can stop development. It could be a wet spot the size of an office desk, deemed a critical wetland to protect or a small trickle deemed a stream, requiring unrealistic setbacks. Our environment should be protected, but we can get a bit overzealous/NIMBY at times.

The Army Corps of Engineers also has good standards for wetlands; they are reasonable. When you see their descriptions and pictures you'll all agree, they are wetlands. These engineers and environmentalists have worked years, entire lives, establishing some realistic standards. Do we really need to go above this?

On another note, has anyone heard what the bears and wild animals are doing in our forests? These "deposits," and I'm not talking about bank deposits, could be having a negative impact upon our water quality. What about those fish? Where do they, well you know, go? We've got trouble, I say, right here in River City!

Neil Johnson

