To The Editor:


Since the demise of the Waitsfield Town Office bond vote, it appears the field is wide open for various plans for the much needed new town office. With essentially no involvement and little understanding of the two-and-one-half-year effort of the Town Office Task Force, the newly configured Waitsfield Select Board is searching far and wide for a new site for the town office, totally disregarding the Town Office Task Force survey that showed a 90 percent preference for keeping the town office in the historic village of Waitsfield. This survey was taken after the Town Office Task Force investigated several sites in Irasville and Waitsfield village. This new search is facilitated by disregarding key principles that guided the Town Office Task Force and promoted by unsupported assertions that a town office can be done for significantly less money.


The subject of the new town office will be on the next select board meeting agenda – the March 25 meeting. Please attend this important meeting and support the keeping of the Waitsfield Town Office in the Waitsfield historic village.


John Reilly


