Fayston’s Town Plan was last updated in 2002. By state law, towns must update/readopt their Town Plans at least every decade. Town
Plans are considered ‘aspirational documents’ which guide municipal planners and officials in writing and enacting zoning ordinances which are the enforcement documents that towns use for land use, permitting and planning.

Martel said that the planning commissioners want to hear from residents about their concerns and issues.

The current plan can be read online at: http://www.cvregion.net/cvtowns/framepage.cfm?FIPS6=023040 02 Town Plan.

Comments on individual sections can be directed to the following planning commissioners/groups:

Section  3, History to Fayston Historical Society;

4, Natural Environment to Margie Torizzo and Shayne Jaquith;

5, Cultural Environment to Chuck Martel and Geoff Slater;

6, Land Use to Gussie Graves;

7, Housing to Al Molnar and Chuck Martel;            

8, Transportation to Tony Egan and Geoff Slater ;   

9, Community Facilities to Kevin Wry;

10, Recreation to Kevin Wry, Gussie Graves and Geoff Slater.

Martel also urged residents to fill out a town survey available in a paper copy or online (http://web.mac.com/gslatervt/iweb/faystontownplan/town%20survey.html) to assist the commission in its work. The survey covers a variety of topics including opinions about community character and services, development and conservation (including rate of growth, impact of development and land preservation), whether development should be curtailed and, if not, where it is most appropriately located.

Residents are also asked if they feel the town should encourage business development and, if so, what type and where it should be located. Questions about housing costs, statistics, child care and municipal services are included along with questions about recreational opportunities, town spending and more.

Anyone needing contact information for individual planning commissioners can contact zoning administrator Patti Greene-Swift at the town offices at 496-2454, ext. 25.
