Planners were set to discuss minimum frontage requirements in the resort development district as well as front, side and rear setbacks (25 ft), front/road setbacks (45 ft) maximum heights for single family residences (35 ft) and maximum height for all other structures (50 ft).

Regarding non-complying structures, planners are considering wording to the effect that:
 "The extension of a structure which results in an additional encroachment of the non-complying feature/ element (beyond that point which constitutes the greatest pre-existing encroachment) represents an increase in the degree of non-compliance. An expansion in the volume or area of a structure shall not constitute an increase in the degree of non-compliance unless the expansion results in encroachment upon the setback which is greater than the existing non-complying encroachment."   

(A)(3) "...All other residential non-complying structures may be enlarged or expanded...with the approval of the Board of Adjustment as a conditional use in accordance with section 5.3...."

For accessory structures, planners are defining those as structures which are customarily incidental and subordinate to the permitted or conditional primary use on a lot which is located on the same lot as the primary structure or use and is 'clearly related to the primary permitted or conditional use.'

A primary structure is defined as a house, camp, or commercial structure that serves the primary use (primary dwelling, seasonal dwelling, office, store, industrial building, etc.) allowed in the zoning district in which it is located.
