Memory Tree. file photo

A handful of community members have taken it upon themselves to resurrect the holiday Memory Tree that the local Lions Club used to create on the field north of TD Bank in Waitsfield.

John and Joan Wilson, Waitsfield, along with Nancy and Jess Mobley, Warren, Trish Hopkins, Waitsfield, and a few others want to make sure the tree has lights all the way to the top this year as well as some of the lighted stars that are found throughout The Valley.

“We started three years ago; it took a while to get permission to turn the electricity back on. We put the lights up as high as we could. Last year, I didn’t think it looked great with lights up only halfway, so I unplugged,” explained John Wilson, who pays the $25 per month Green Mountain Power bill for the site active all year round.

He is getting the lights this week and also the lighted wooden stars and expects to reach out to the fire department or a contractor for helping in getting the lights to the top of the tree.

The organizers plan to have a lighting ceremony in the coming weeks.

Those who would like to purchase a bulb for a loved one can call Wilson at 583-9463.