The debate is a joint effort between American Flatbread Company, the Vermont Localvores, and the Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC). VNRC is formulating the environmental questions and George Schenk of American Flatbread and Robin McDermott of the Mad River Valley Localvore Project have been working with agriculture and food organizations across the state including NOFA-VT, the Farm Bureau, the Vermont Food Bank, Rural Vermont and the Vermont Localvores to formulate the questions related to agriculture and food.  
The debate begins at 5:30 p.m. After the debate there will be a community dinner in the Lareau Farm pavilion. The meal will feature American Flatbread, salad and drinks available for sale. Ben & Jerry's has donated ice cream for the event. Child care will be provided during the debate and music during the dinner will be by the Anthony Santor Jazz Trio.  
The Lareau Farm is located on Route 100 in Waitsfield at the home of American Flatbread. Attendance at the debate is free and all are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information on the debate, go to .
