With Vermont under a no-burn order because of high fire danger caused by dry weather, Waitsfield-Fayston fire chief Tripp Johnson is urging people to heed the warning.

“With spring and lots of dead vegetation plus hotter sun, it doesn’t take much to dry things out which makes the fire danger very high,” he said.

Even without the state issuing this warning, Johnson said that everyone needs a burn permit from their local fire warden to burn anything between spring and when the ground is once again snow-covered.


“But anyone who calls for a burn permit right now will be denied, so there’s no reason to call until the red flag order is over,” Johnson added. The red flag warning also applies to campfires.

Once it’s over, people can call their local game wardens seeking permits and those will or won’t be granted based on specific weather conditions on any given day.

Daniel Beede is the Fayston fire marshal. He can be reached at 802-923-6928. Adam Cook is the Waitsfield fire marshal. He can be reached at 802-279-6179. Garrett Swann is the Warren fire marshal. He can be reached at 802-498-7083.