Karen and Sean Lawson with their recycle bins.

As a part of the #stewardMRV initiative, the Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce is highlighting the people and organizations that make the community and talk to them about why they think environmental stewardship is so important.


Introducing: Karen and Sean Lawson (and their fantastic recycling bin) of Lawson's Finest Liquids as the first #FriendlyFaceFriday #MRVFriendlyFaces.

What's your relation to the Mad River Valley?

"Lawson's Finest has been in business since 2008, and when we decided to open our taproom and brewery, we knew that we wanted to be in the MRV. That was our community, is still our community, and since opening here, we've really prioritized giving back to the community in which we live -- whether it's the people or the place itself. We feel very committed to making sure we live in a community that's sustainable and has vitality, not only for us that live here, but for the tourists who come and enjoy it." – Karen.


Why do you think environmental stewardship is important, and why do you think this specific program is important?

"Well, I have a background in environmental studies -- it was my college degree -- and then went on to pursue a masters in forestry. So, I've always had a strong commitment to both conserving resources and protecting the environment.

We incorporate that into our business values through practices such as investing in solar power, having state-of-the-art lighting and ventilation systems for our facilities to reduce our energy and, of course, reducing, reusing and recycling as many materials as possible. This commitment to the environment is also a part of the core of our giving for our social impact program -- our organizations that support sustainable recreation and conserving our natural areas here in Vermont." – Sean.

"And I would add that one of the pieces I'm really excited about for stewardMRV is that we're doing what we can for our natural resources to make sure they remain clean and safe. We've seen how easily garbage can negatively impact our beautiful areas, so just taking the steps of adding port-a-potties and garbage cans, while it may seem small, will have a really big impact in the end." – Karen.