For the eighth consecutive year, MRVPD requested $19,100 from Waitsfield, Fayston, Warren and Sugarbush.

The proposed budget for FY '10 details total revenue of $97,654, which includes the towns' and Sugarbush's contributions in addition to a $21,254 carryover.

A total of $69,627 is designated for personnel expenditures, $3,500 for rent of the General Wait House and $1,500 on telephone expenses.

There is $9,000 designated for a data intern and $1,000 for training -- in all, a total expenditure of $94,377.

Schwartz also presented the 2008 MRVPD Annual Report at the tri-town meeting; the full and most recent version that follows is a summary of the Mad River Valley Planning District projects and initiatives during 2008.

The MRVPD annual report, which will be published in each town's individual town reports, summarizes MRVPD initiatives and activities.

The continuing work from 2007 is detailed as well as various ongoing projects including the completion of the Mad River Path, a project that steering committee members list as a top priority.

The ongoing fund-raising efforts of the Kingsbury Farm are summarized in the report, as is public transportation initiatives, the Mad River Valley Housing Coalition, and the Valley Futures Network.

The Planning District's goals for 2009, according to Schwartz, "will continue to focus its energies towards the completion of the Mad River Path, increased transit options, inter-town collaboration and education, creation of workforce housing, energy initiatives, support of sustainable agriculture, update and review data trends, and providing planning support to its member towns. The director is also involved in VEDA (The Valley Economic Development Association), the Community Local Government/Rural Resource Commission, and the Mad River Watershed Conservation Partnership."

The report will be available is full in each town's individual town report. Meetings are open to the public and are usually held the third Thursday of each month at the General Wait House at 7 p.m. Executive Director Joshua Schwartz can be reached at 496-7173 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Additional information may be found at the Planning District's new website:
