Heidi Spear

Heidi Spear, Fayston, is running as an Independent for state representative in the Washington-7 District this November.

"There is more that could and should, in my estimation, be done to champion affordability and opportunity in Vermont and accountability in Vermont state government. I believe I would be a strong representative for our community, working actively to achieve concrete results in these crucial areas,"she said.

"I will be running as an Independent. I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal, which means I don't agree with representatives of either party all of the time," Spear noted on her website.

"However, my values and priorities put me in the Independent camp in Vermont. I will never put labels and camps above effective governance, inclusive dialogue, transparency and accountability. I will stand up for what I believe in and focus my energy on the priorities of my constituents, not a party. I refuse to waste time trying to make a difference within a party that wields power like a weapon instead of a privilege bestowed by the public," she continued.

Spear has been serving her community for four years as a school board member and then board chair of Fayston Elementary School. That work has expanded her knowledge of Vermont governance and required engagement far beyond the confines of her school's budget, policies and community, she said.

"Today, that work demands a deep understanding of our statewide education funding system, as well as strong advocacy just to preserve our right to retain a community school," she added.

"Investing time to serve our students and taxpayers alike, I have seen that crucial issues affecting our community aren't getting the attention they require at the State House. While local engagement and leadership is important, action must be taken at the state level to address affordability and economic opportunity in our region. Change needs to be actively pursued. Legislation that addresses our key concerns needs to be introduced and championed," she continued.

Spear has spent most of her adult life speaking publicly, writing and has worked for 10 years in the technology sector, helping governments and corporations improve performance through strategic technology implementations. She has led sales and marketing teams to grow several successful technology startups.

"I believe that my skill, nerve and commitment could serve us well in the State House. I am certain I can have a greater impact in the Legislature than outside it. I am prepared to do the work of listening, analyzing, developing proposals, crafting bills, building coalitions and championing reform."

Spear and her husband Seth Henry have two children, Ruslan, 9, and Amelia, 7.

Spear's website is www.heidispear.org.
