By Brian Moulton

After just reading The Valley Reporter dated May 25, 2023, the article titled “The origin of LSD” (Lousy Stinking Dump). I felt the need to make these comments.



Too bad the person writing the article and those printing the article did not take the time to try and find out the history of the house. The people living there for many years were poor but honest, hard-working people. They raised three children including a daughter who became a registered nurse and floor supervisor at the Mary Fletcher Hospital in Burlington for many years. When I was studying for my EMT certification I was required to spend four hours observing in the emergency room where I meant the surgeon who was an intern when my aunt was a supervisor there and he remembered her well.

Next, there was a son who owned the Moulton Store in Fayston, the only store to sell beer. And then a son who served in the Army during WW11, married and raised seven children while also helping to take care of his aging parents who were in their 40s when he was born. This son’s children, their grandchildren, became a nurse, EMTs, Sunday school teachers, military veterans serving the Army and Air Force in Germany, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, as well as the continental U.S. This son’s grandchildren, their great-grandchildren served in the Army and Navy, some teaching young autistic and Asperger syndrome students at the University of Vermont to live and thrive in social settings, one who works the IT department in Charlotte, NC, another a CFO for a medical group in California, some accountants and social workers, etc.


Riley Moulton was my grandfather, his wife, Mae, my grandmother could make the best donuts on her wood-fired stove.

There was only an outhouse in the woodshed connected to the house and bathing was done in a wash tub in the kitchen.

My dad Eugene Moulton, their youngest, worked several jobs to support his large family while also taking care of his parents, the owners of the LSD. Dad also made time to serve on the school boards for Waitsfield Elementary School and Harwood Union High School. He worked with the Boy Scouts and drove sports teams to their games in the Harwood school bus

I spent many hours with my grandparents in this house as well as helping them and walking up the path out back that would lead to their former farm on the land that Green Mountain Valley School stands on now.

So, for me to read this article and see how this home is made fun of and ridiculed is very disheartening since some look at it as a big joke. This home had a very rich history as do many old homes in this area if one would only take the time to investigate. This home no longer exists, it was torn down and replaced with another.

Brian Moulton, one of the many descendants, Warren.