As I was watching The Simpsons in espanol, the idea of the show was preaching the concept of how the U.S likes to do things half-assed. It made me think of the flags or rags on the poles back home and how the people responsible for this project are doing a half-assed job showing support for the country, flag and troops. Since it's being done in towns I am associated with, it makes me sick and disgusted watching the blind patriot turn this country into a fascist state.

My fellow Republicans like to call the lefties commies (it is like were still in the '50s), but if I look at fascism, communism or Nazism, they were not left but extreme right like our current government.

The question I've heard my whole life is: "How did the German people let it happen?"

Well I feel like I'm watching who made it happen the blind nationalist flag waiver. My country right or wrong!" who is afraid of everything and anything and follows a government that believes in aggressive military behavior, torture, assassinations, lies, holding people in camps with no charges against them, and taking away your rights slowly so you don't even notice. Then saying it's for your own protection and safety. The 9/11 dogma of the 21st century.

Ignorance is bliss until the noose is around your neck and it's too late to change the course. Call me "Chicken Little," but my fellow U.S. citizens, that time is coming faster than you think and eventually it will be too late to change the course. For example notice how easy it was to go into Iraq "mission accomplished" and now how hard it is getting out.

We are a country that rags on another country for going towards a one party system, for example Russia, yet we are a two party system which acts like a one party system. Notice how both parties want total control of the system. Democracy or fascism? Hard telling not knowing.

We vote for the lesser of two evils so I hear from my fellow citizens, so that must mean neither party is good. A country that doesn't vote with its heart will be heartless and ruthless in its actions towards other nations and will be hated with just cause. So I and others ask that you stop this frivolous and lazy form of patriotism. How many years has this gone on for and when will it end? Stop disrespecting your country, flag and troops.

Take the time, respect and care to fly it on appropriate holidays and stop playing the game of my towns more patriotic than your town. Since the flags are being flown in the town's air space I believe the towns should vote on the flying of these flags, or rags as they have become, on Town Meeting day.

Unlike fascism, communism or Nazism where the decision is made by a small extremist group, let the Republic decide with a democratic vote. Or are we afraid yet again. The country is falling into an abyss and it does not need a push.

God bless America and no one else!

Tim Seniff lives in Warren and Arequipa, Peru