By Carol Hosford

I would like to thank my many supporters for your help and advice over the time I served you in the Legislature. It was a very productive four years.

I feel proud of the progress we made together on protecting our surface waters from mercury and phosphorus, designating ground water as a public trust, and passing smart growth legislation that encourages compact development and discourages sprawl.  

We passed legislation that supports group net metering opening the door to communities that want to produce their own renewable energy, and formed an entity that will help Vermonters save on fuel bills.

We passed legislation designed to contain education costs while preserving our fine schools. We set in place a process to contain special education costs in districts where spending appears to be excessive (not ours!).  

We asked the Department of Education to simplify special education audits that have been so burdensome to special educators and business managers and got rid of about 30 unnecessary mandates on the education system.

We placed in statute state funding for 10 hours a week of voluntary preschool education for 4-year-olds. It is interesting to note that the Vermont Business Roundtable and many others around the country strongly support preschool education as a business investment.

As the House representative on the Governor's Council for Building Bright Futures, I spearheaded the development of a new assessment tool to let us know how well our preschool education is preparing our children for kindergarten.

These were all initiatives in which I was very much involved and in which many of you offered advice. I was also happy to support the formation of the Catamount Health System, which is a start toward providing affordable health care for Vermonters. We also passed measures to attract businesses to Vermont through creating L3C's and digital corporations.

As a member of the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, I had just begun listening to testimony on the radiological health implications of changing the way we measure radiation emissions at Vermont Yankee. The Legislature may have to decide this biennium whether or not to recommission Yankee for another 20 years.

I wish Adam Greshin well in working on the many problems that will continue to face the state over the next two years.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as your state representative!

Outgoing two-term state Representative Carol Hosford-D lives in Waitsfield.