Seeing the auctioneer's ads or reading the public notices or article caught the unaware reader with a reaction similar to the experience when reading an obituary or hearing the news of the passing of a fellow community member. An intake of breath. A heartfelt pang and catch in the throat. Certainly sadness. Loss is loss, requiring grieving as well as reflecting and sharing memories that make you smile, laugh and feel joy about the good times shared.

My heart goes out to the people who are losing their home. I don't know you, but I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. I wish you well as you start anew and hope you have shelter and all that you need to comfortably survive and thrive.

On a far more personal note, the closing of the 1824 House Inn and Restaurant is a big one -- most obviously, and importantly, for John Lumbra and Trae Greene, as this was their home as well as their business and livelihood. The restaurant, event catering, and B and B inn operation was John's culinary dream. He literally and figuratively opened his doors to all. John's generosity is huge. He has an enormous heart, always ready to contribute and donate, supporting the community, school district and numerous organizations in various ways.

This loss is certainly felt by the staff, not just for our jobs and paychecks, but because it has truly been a joy to work with John and Trae. We all worked hard, whether front of the house, back of the house or inn staff, but we had a great time doing so as it was a solid professional team who really enjoyed working with each other. We all smiled and "off the floor" laughed a lot -- during every shift. We have John and Trae to thank for creating and maintaining that environment. We strived to provide professional, exemplary customer service and hospitality to complement John's wonderful cuisine and décor. "Relaxed elegance" was the marketing slogan, and whether it was in the inn, the barn or a fabulous tented event, John (and his staff) aimed to provide it for the past eight years.

Friday (tomorrow), October 16, is "National Boss Day." This year, it will be far different than how we celebrated that day last year or the previous years, but let me publicly say, John and Trae, thank you for everything! I have truly loved my years working for and with you! Thank you for all that you have brought to this community through your non-stop untold hours, unrelenting, sustained efforts with impeccable taste, style and impressive results! There's a very long list of loyal diners, inn guests, happy meeting and event hosts, as well as delighted brides, grooms and their families and guests, and the list goes on and on. Your vibrancy, talents and skills have added much to The Valley -- and will continue to do so through whatever you decide is the next step and adventure for you!

The old adage is that one door closes and another opens. I guess in this case, the barn's door has closed for now. We'll see what happens next. Another adventure awaits.

Thank you, John and Trae! Thank you, fellow staff members (past and "present")! Thank you to all the guests and vendors I've seen and met while at the 1824 House!

Gail Breslauer, Fayston, hospitality specialist at 1824 House