So imagine the cost of your project, i.e., sidewalks in Warren. Now add the interest we all will be paying on the cost of your project; the price goes up. So when you get funding for solar, park and rides and cow tunnels, we, the taxpayers, are paying way more than the initial cost. I would possibly be for all these grants if there was real money to draw from.
Now, if we would stop going abroad and killing people like you and me, you know those conflicts/wars we are involved in. Stop financing a war on drugs that does not work, yet we keep wasting money on that project. If we would stop subsidizing ADM, nuclear energy, coal, bailouts military, Israel, Egypt, Columbia (military subsides). So if we stopped wasting all this money and focused on getting out of debt and have a real balanced budget. Most of us tend to forget we are the largest debtor nation in the world. We cannot go bankrupt as a country/state; who will buy us?

It's funny that as citizens we like to spend money that does not exist. We are like children that have no idea where the money comes from. We all pay taxes and we want to see the money come back to our community in some form. I understand that, but, unfortunately, to run a country, state and town, it takes a lot of money to cover the basics.

So when I see a project such as the sidewalk project in Warren where the select board is applying for a grant to study this project, and potentially applying for another grant to put these sidewalks in because some in this town and select board are afraid to walk and ride their bikes on the street. A sidewalk is a false sense of security; it may make you safer, but nothing replaces common sense. Teach yourself and your children to pay attention to their surroundings. Also in this plan there are three radar signs at a price of $5,000 to $6,000 apiece, that will supposedly slow people down.

When asked about maintenance or if people don't like the signs, the idea of just going back to the old signs was suggested and what happens to the expensive signs? Throw them away? So what it comes down to is for all of us to slow down on spending and speed. We do not like the police giving us tickets, but we do not want to do the right thing and slow down. Instead we want to buy things with grant money in hopes it might solve the problem instead of dealing with the real issue of slowing down. Why can we not take the responsibility and not be forced to follow the law by police or get sidewalks we really do not need. Why do we usually have to be forced to do the right thing? Let's pay attention to our spending, speed, our select boards, state and federal governments. Let's really think about your children s futures and not leave them with debt and problems from frivolous wars and projects.

Tim Seniff lives in Warren.