Donations from individuals provide the greatest latitude of operation. Party support, however, pretty well means that you accept their platform of ideas and, if elected, will agree with what the leadership desires. So, if one thinks you can go to Washington and tear up the place and stop their egregious nonsense, a political trip to the woodshed is in store.


One of the controls that leadership uses to keep you in line are committee assignments. An assignment to the committee of one's choice may be initially obtained, but if you don't tow the desired political line, unwanted changes can occur swiftly.

For an example of party cohesion and conformity in order to get and keep the desired assignment, we might look at our newer congressman Peter Welch. He got what he wanted - House Energy and Commerce Committee - because of his belief in manmade climate change. Although he is not one to want to change things, he must have subverted his beliefs in order to conform to Nancy Pelosi's (House chairperson) desires and it looks like he will keep his position. He voted for a bill that the Left labeled Employee Free Choice Act of 2009. This monstrosity with this ironic name is payback to the unions for their millions of monetary support for Obama's election. This bill would eliminate the secret ballot when voting on union representation. Welch voted against them to curry favor with the House leaders. This bill would require those wanting to form a union to sign a card (card check) in favor, allowing the union bosses to know which ones are against unionization. Nothing secret about that. Fortunately this fiasco did not get through the Senate and for that the Conservatives were labeled obstructionists.

If a Congress member develops an idea and writes it up as a bill, he needs sponsors. If he finds some it's assumed that he will reciprocate when asked for his support. In other words, I'll scratch your back if you'll . . ., etc.

Should the leadership find it difficult to force through a particularly nasty bill, like Obamacare, there are various means to convince one or two of the holdouts to change their spots. We've seen how overwhelming the public opinion was against this plan which was advertised as a means to reduce the cost of health care but instead was designed to pass both Democratically controlled Houses. In spite of President Obama's promise to run legislation debate with transparency, this 2,700-page bill was written by unknowns and produced with a demand for a vote in just a few days. No one had time to read it, but a few bits were leaked to show that the bad parts had not been modified. I think it was the Nebraska and Alabama senators that were offered state exemptions to the parts these senators didn't like as well as million-dollar bribes to agree to passage. So, if you are a Congressperson, it might be worthwhile to hold your vote to see what the leadership might offer to change your spots. This technique is tricky though; you have to know how things would play out with your voters back home knowing that in this case you hadn't read the bill.


Another skill that Congress people need to know is how to obtain "pork." Pork is taxpayer money (to pay for your pet projects) that did not originate (as required) in the House of Representatives, was not a subject of floor debate and serves only the parochial interests of the originator.

One favorite technique is to insert this waste into an unrelated bill when a conference committee meets to resolve differences between House and Senate versions. In the case of the Obamacare monstrosity, this amounted to $1.5 billion, yes billion, of wasted taxpayer funds.

Pork is a favorite of both parties. Because of the monies that constituents receive, they think you are a hero and vote you back into office. Besides, you don't have to account for this monetary help as you do for other campaign contributions. All three of our Congressional people are great fans of pork. In lieu of our national debt structure, they were asked to join others in foregoing any more pork for at least two years. They flatly refused. Re-election is always on their minds.

So, you see, if you want to be a politician you do have to have some skills, but it's like a trade - you need on-the-job training. Always remember, determine your actions in terms of re-election potential and forget about the costs. Meanwhile, you will become a hypocrite. If you master all these, and more, you'll learn what it's like to help run a Democracy.

Don't be downhearted though. Churchill saw these faults but thought it the best of all the other forms of government.

Potter lives in Waitsfield.