Republican’s have no answers to our economic problems?  Compared with the opposite party’s record, that is an incredible statement. 

The Democrats held super majorities in 2009 and 2010 in both houses of Congress and they also had a hope-and-change president in the White House.  How many budgets have they passed in that time?  Zero!  Can you call that “compromise”? On the other hand, the GOP House adhered to its Constitutional mandate and passed two budgets this year.  A major proposal by the Republicans going into 2012 is to cut spending, cap spending and balance the budget.   That is what is called “a plan.”

Compromise would begin when the Democratic-held Senate would approve a budget of its own that both parties can work on instead of complaining about “corporate jets.” 

If a Democrat’s sole source of information is the Vermont media, which censors the news with a heavy hand, than I can understand why one is so fixated on tax cuts being the cause of our high, national unemployment.   That’s the myth.  Here’s the truth:  The Bush tax cuts enacted in 2003 expanded the economy by about 8 million jobs.  The Democrats present tenure has created a failed stimulus, crippling health bill and tons of regulation that retard investment and jobs creation.  

The myth has become as bloated as a summertime tick.  If our sluggish economy is the fault of George Bush, and it has grown far worse since he left office, than why do we need Barack Obama?  Bush’s debt record was admittedly poor.  The debt doubled during his eight years, averaging about $607 billion a year.  Obama’s debt is a staggering $1.723 trillion a year in only two and one-half years, more than $1 trillion a year than Bush’s.  

Democrats are so bereft of ideas on how to solve the nation’s money problems that they surrender to the demagoguery of simpletons, e.g., Republicans’ budget cutting will destroy Medicare and Social Security.  (There goes granny over the cliff.)  That’s the myth.  Ask yourselves which party has the guts to try to restructure these monstrous entitlements.  If we continue down the path laid out by Obama and the Democrats, there will be no Social Security; there will be no Medicare.  

With their continued, drunken spending sprees, the selfish, cruel and inhuman Democrats will destroy the future of their own children.  I can easily make the argument that Democrats eat their young.   Oops, that’s demagoguery.

The national scene is bad enough.  God help us if the rest of the country adopts the political philosophy of Democrats in Vermont.  The big single-payer health care bill was approved so casually this year, we can put off worrying about how to finance it until 2014.  In the meantime, Vermont businesses are holding off hiring new employees until somebody gives them some figures.

Two Vermont companies (GW Plastics and King Arthur Flour) have been added to a growing list of companies which complain about the anti-business attitude of the Vermont Legislature led by Democrats. 

Steve Voigt, CEO of King Arthur Flour and chair of the Vermont Business Roundtable, said that companies “are reluctant to make significant investments in their company's physical or human resources until they have a better picture of the future costs associated with those investments, namely health care and budget issues at the state and federal levels." 

This letter may indicate that I think Vermont Democrats are misinformed.  “You betcha” is what one prominent Republican would answer.  She’s the one, along with Michele Bachman (why do Democrats fear women in politics?) whose public gaffes are front-page news.  

On the other hand, did you hear about the Harvard-educated president of the United States who thinks there are “57 states”?  Isn’t he the same president who pronounces “corps” as “corpse”?  e.g., “U.S. Marine Corpse.”  Calls Europe “a country”?  Thinks there is an “Austrian language”?  

Don’t fret.  Keep the faith:  In the words of our president, "The time has changed for come!"

Hilferty lives in Moretown.