In response to ‘The loudest voices’


By Candice and Bob Shaffer


In response to Dinsmore Fulton’s “The loudest voices,” we would like to share our insight into the controversy regarding industrial wind turbine placement on Vermont’s mountain ridgelines. We have supported Bernie Sanders for many years and share his views on most topics, but this one we see much differently. It is not in keeping with Bernie’s ethics to pressure Vermonters to give up their rights and allow corporations to access our mountains for industrial wind without taking the time to review and weigh the true costs versus benefits. Perhaps it is out of desperation that some grasp at such extreme measures with good intentions while destroying remaining life support systems which are not renewable.


I have hiked up the mountain to the work site of Lowell’s “Community Wind” and can verify that any photos displayed by your fellow Vermonters working for the Wind Moratorium were taken from one of the sites in Vermont unless otherwise stated. Yes, it is dreadful, unthinkable and unbelievable and it is here in Vermont.


Visiting an industrial wind site is the best way to understand the reason the wind moratorium is critical. It is a powerful experience that disperses any uncertainty of where you stand in regard to your relationship to our ancient mountains. Open houses will start up once again in spring at Lowell Mountain and everyone is invited. To reach our common goal of living in harmony with the planet and all her creatures, let us open our minds, search for the truth and act in accordance. For more information you can check out and


Nevertheless, citizens of our state differ, the proposed moratorium gives the public and our state agencies time to perform studies, look at the data and decide what role this form of energy may play in our comprehensive energy plan going forward while also creating an opportunity to evaluate the permitting process in order to make it more responsive to the rights and needs of Vermonters and the natural resources we hold dear. It is important to see whether the human effect upon our natural resources given over to out-of-state corporations will be in our best interests.


The moratorium will give all interested parties a chance to have that discussion without the pressure of new wind proposals being grandfathered from any possible future legislative changes that might come about. Let us seek the truth and get clear, together.


“May the Forest be With You.”


The Shaffers live in Waitsfield.
