In Memoriam –

Arnold Livingston

We’ve lived within earshot of Arnold for 29 years, laughed at his Halloween “Scary Guy in the Road” trick, helped a little with sugaring (which when Jesse Cota was alive included a shot of LTD and Sprite to “warm you up”), shared light to dark amber at Sugar House and spent hours looking for his dog or ours. Arnold would always help when he was needed. If it was a job for three guys and we had two, Arnold was there. He was there. His finest quality. And we thought it would always be so.

Arnold could be counted on even when we didn’t see him for months on end, except to wave or toot. But, I hope he knew we were there too, though he rarely asked for anything.

Saturday, that knowing calm disappeared with Arnold. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did.

Arnold, we will miss your generous soul and I know we are not alone.


– Judy and John Phelon

