This periodic series of three images and responses to questions tells the stories of people of The Valley who love what they do. As Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.”





This article features Mary Tuthill, general manager of the Taste Place in Waitsfield, Vermont.

How long have you lived in Vermont and where did you grow up?

I’ve lived in VT for seven years. I grew up in western MA. I lived in four different states before moving to Vermont

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a lawyer.




What was your first job and how did you get it?

My first job at 15 was Dunkin Donuts. I’m pretty sure I just went in and filled out an application.

Who was the biggest influence in your decision to choose the work you now do?

My biggest influence was Megan Neisser. She was my first store team leader with Whole Foods Market – she saw my potential and encouraged me all the way.

What steps did you take to get where you are today/what sacrifices have you made to get to this point in the work you do?

I attended the Culinary Institute of America, worked in restaurants for 10 years, worked in corporate catering for five years and Whole Foods Market for seven years. With Whole Foods Market I also became an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional (ACS CCP). All of these experiences are in the service industry which means working all the nights, weekends and holidays. I have missed so many family gatherings, weddings, etc.  You name it, I missed it.

What is the best job advice that you’ve ever received?

As a leader, don’t ask someone to do a task you have never done or won’t do

What are you most grateful for in your life?

I am incredibly grateful for the support and understanding of my friends and family around my work schedule. Whenever possible having people plan parties and events for when I can attend and celebrate with them is incredible.

How do you give back?

I like to teach/mentor. At Whole Foods Market I would take younger team members and help them work through the ranks. At Mad River Taste Place, I have an intern every summer that I get to pass knowledge on to. I also have classes that I developed and taught.

What do you do in your free time?

I love to garden! Being outside in the warm sunshine and growing something pretty is so rewarding to me.

Do you have a favorite quote that you live by?

“The only way out is through.

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