After Green Up Day, this space was used to laud local efforts to create a bigger picture and greater community awareness about stewardship and what it means for the community, the environment, our economy, and recreation.


This week, this space recognizes how powerful it is when everyone gets on the same page in terms of discussing, articulating, listening three dimensionally, to all aspects of an issue – in this case the balance between recreation and conservation.

As part of a $409,000 grant that will connect Waitsfield and Irasville to local and state recreation trails and land, the coalition of stakeholders who received the grant are digging deeply into what they’re calling Conservation Recreation Visioning.

Through this process, the multiple groups working on the grant project are drilling down into where recreation is appropriate and where it is not. They are identifying where there should be more recreational access and where connectivity can be maximized.

Importantly, the different stakeholders, with their differing priorities are listening carefully to each other, really listening, with an eye to understanding each other.


That makes a huge difference. Understanding what might seem to be noncompatible priorities is a way to create a shared vision that acknowledges the validity of everyone’s priorities and together, through dialog, helps create a three-dimensional path forward that fosters stewardship, recreation and the environment.

This was clearly demonstrated at last week’s Community Recreation Visioning community forum which drew over 100 participants to the pavilion at Lareau Farm and Forest in Waitsfield. A panel discussion raised nuts and bolts questions about the grant and its components and then the floor was opened up to questions before people broke into small groups.

The questions from those present and the extemporaneous responses given from the panel and other members of the Community Recreation Visioning steering committee made it clear that those in favor of more trails absolutely respect and share the concerns of those who want to limit trails in sensitive high elevation habitat and watershed areas and vice versa.

Don’t just take our word for it. Watch the CRV meeting at