To The Editor:

Having been a Sweet Pea customer since Paula and Jeff operated the business out of Jerry Tucker’s Garden Center, I feel I need to make the following comments.

From what I have read on both FPF and in The VR, attempts have been made to come to an agreement between the building owner and the business owner. It seems to me that the terms of the lease are reasonable, and it seems that the sticking point has to do with the business owners paying for the water usage. I just read the comment on Sweet Pea’s Facebook page and found nothing but negative comments about The VR. Please excuse me if the following has been made public already, but I have yet to read anything directly from the owners of Sweet Pea as to their specific complaints. As we all know it is very expensive to live and run a business in Vermont due to the excessive tax burden our state legislators continue to pile on us. The property owners are business people just as the owners of Sweet Pea are business owners.

I think it would be in the best interest of everyone if Sweet Pea just came out and explained the situation from their perspective so that we can end the community squabbling and accusations.

Steve Allen