To The Editor:

Rube Scharges, a member of the Moretown Planning Commission since 2008, retired at the June 4 meeting. Rube was a consistent and thoughtful presence, showing up for meetings the first and third Tuesday of the month – without any compensation – for 11 years. He was there as the town welcomed and said farewell to multiple planning commission members and as we adopted and updated municipal plans, zoning bylaws, hazard mitigation plans and most recently subdivision regulations designed to fit the character of our community. He worked on securing village designation for Moretown Village, which is centered around and derives vibrancy from our exceptional Moretown Elementary School.

Planning commissions and local boards rely heavily on the volunteers who care for their communities and who contribute endless hours, perspective and energy assuring that local government functions. Our Vermont towns, the essence of the state, would not survive without them. Thank you, Rube, for your strong commitment to Moretown!

Karen Horn

Moretown Planning Commission