Sal SpinosaSal Spinosa is seeking another term on the Waitsfield Select Board. He noted that, whether as an incumbent or otherwise, he asks himself the same question.

“I ask myself, is this something I really want to do? Every time in the past, the answer has been an unequivocal yes. This year is no different except that some of the reasons are,” he said.

Spinosa pointed out that Waitsfield has faced many challenges over the recent years. The storms of 2011 devastated parts of town, historic Waitsfield in particular, he said. As the emergency incident commander for years now, he got a firsthand view of the wreckage and the town reemergence.

“The town hall, Bridge Street, sidewalks and library, to name a few, most planned, funded and constructed with select board oversight. Various town committees as well as the public at large were always there to do their part. Even when things didn’t go quite as planned, the town persevered making the best of even the difficult moments,” he said.

“In recent years the select board has wrestled with debt. After much work and an effort by the board, commissions and town staff, I’m confident that fiscal relief for Waitsfield citizens will continue. I expected considerable debt to be soon retired, taxes to be tightly managed and sound fiscal planning to yield responsible expenditures and a sound safety net to meet unforeseen events. A strong measure of financial/fiscal health is a real success story in the making,” he added.

No candidate statement can be complete without addressing the proposed local option tax, he said.

“It’s difficult to know for sure where Waitsfield voters are on this matter, but I’m certain about this: The current three-town proposal requires scrutiny. I view this proposal as causing a needless and major overhaul of normal municipal governance. I’m troubled by both the extra expense this tax will inject into everyone’s life and the separation from traditional taxing/spending norms it represents. I admit that there is a meritorious debate about the imminent vote to alter Waitsfield’s charter to authorize, not impose, an option tax,” he added.

Spinosa said that a second vote to actually impose the tax, if still subject to the current three-town format, will not receive his support and said he hopes that anyone running for this board seat will announce where they stand on this issue.

“I’m very serious about the board’s work and guarding the public trust I’ve been granted. Though the work can be challenging and the energy can run high at times, I’m looking forward to another term in one of the toughest jobs I’ve ever loved,” he said.