With COVID-19 restrictions easing, event organizers are starting to make plans for the summer along with farmers markets.



Locally, Waitsfield Farmers Market is slated to open next weekend, after the Waitsfield Select Board approved its permit at an April 12 meeting. According to Bridget LaMell, who attended the select board meeting for the farmers market board, the market will be conducted in accordance with all current state health guidelines. Select board members concurred that the market ran well last year and approved the permit for this year.

At that same meeting the board also heard from Eric Sigsbey of Laughing Eagle Productions. He is seeking approval for two events, one on Memorial Day weekend and the other a concert series in June, at Kingsbury Industrial Park. The first event will be on a Saturday and the second will be on a Friday with music ending at 10 p.m. There were multiple days on the permit because of the beer delivery and for a possible rainy-day event date. The youth athletic field will not be used. They have invited the local neighbors to join. This application was also passed with an amendment that music is only played for one day per weekend and that all current state COVID guidelines are adhered to.