Harwood Unified Union School District leaders report that one student has tested positive for COVID-19. That student rode the Central Vermont Career Center morning bus last week. See details in this letter to the community.

Dear HUUSD Community:

Late Sunday night, May 9, we learned about a person in our learning community with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) at Harwood Union High School. We are working with the Vermont Department of Health to determine close contacts. At this time, we believe that all potential close contacts are isolated to the Central Vermont Career Center morning bus route. If your child does not ride this bus, your child is not a potential close contact. Those who took the bus to CVCC last week will receive a call within the day with further instructions from our school administrators or school nurses. If your child did not ride the CVCC bus from May 3 to May 7, your child is not affected. We recommend that you continue to take action to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

The most important things you can do: 

People who may have been exposed will be notified:

Anyone who was in close contact with the person who tested positive may have been exposed to the virus and will be asked to quarantine, which means staying home and away from other people for up to 14 days. Read more about what it means to quarantine here.

If you are identified as someone who may have been exposed, someone from either HUMHS or the Health Department will notify you and will provide information and guidance on quarantine and other recommendations. If the Health Department calls, make sure to answer the phone or call them back.

Learn more about what happens when there is a case in a school. 

Supporting our School Community 

In order to maintain everyone’s privacy, we cannot disclose who in our community has tested positive. Remember that we are all at risk of getting this virus. These “COVID-19 cases” are our friends and family, and we need to be understanding and supportive. People with COVID-19 often experience uncomfortable symptoms and emotional stress. Instead of participating in speculation or gossip, offer to help community members who are affected by quarantine. With creative action from all of us, we will get through this period of anxiety and disruption. We thank you for your investment in the health and wellbeing of our school community.

What is COVID-19?

A new coronavirus causes COVID-19, which is an illness that was discovered in 2019. Coronaviruses are a type of virus that are named for the crown-like spikes on their surface. There are many kinds of coronaviruses including some that cause respiratory illnesses, like the common cold. The specific symptoms of COVID-19 include:  

  • Fever or chills.
  • Cough.
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
  • Fatigue.
  • Muscle or body aches.
  • New loss of taste or smell.
  • Sore throat.
  • Congestion or runny nose.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headache.

How does COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 spreads mainly from having close contact with someone who has a COVID-19 infection. The virus is thought to spread by droplets from person to person when they speak, cough, or sneeze. Droplets travel less than 6 feet. When droplets from another person get in your mouth or nose you can inhale into your lungs. This virus can be spread by people without symptoms. 

How can parents and guardians help prevent COVID-19 from spreading?  

  • If your child is sick, keep them home. 
  • Make sure members of your household wash their hands often using soap and water for 20 seconds. 
  • Make sure every member of your household covers their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their elbow, and then washes their hands afterwards.
  • Wear a mask in public when you cannot stay 6-feet apart from other people.

We are working with the Health Department to keep our community safe.

Learn more about getting tested in Vermont. Testing is free and available at the following locations the week of May 10-16.

Waterbury Ambulance, 1727 Guptil Rd., Waterbury Center

  • Monday, 9-2
  • Tuesday, 1-5
  • Wednesday, 4-7
  • Thursday, 1-5
  • Friday, 9-2
  • Saturday, 9-2
  • Sunday, 9-12

Berlin, 1311 Barre Montpelier Rd., Berlin (Behind Burger King) 

  • Monday, 9-2
  • Tuesday, 12-4
  • Wednesday, 4-7
  • Thursday, 9-2
  • Friday, 4-7
  • Saturday, 9-2
  • Sunday, 12-4

Waitsfield United Church of Christ, 4355 Main St., Waitsfield

  • Saturday, 9-2

We will continue to communicate changes and updates with you. With your participation, we believe we can maintain a safe and fun experience for your children.   

Many thanks,

Brigid Nease, Superintendent