On March 1, 2022, residents of the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) will vote on whether to pass a budget of $42,655,858, which is a 5.6% increase over last year’s budget ($40,390.158).




According to guidance from the Vermont Agency of Education, projected revenues are up 1.6%. Based on the AOE’s projected cost per pupil, HUUSD’s cost per pupil will be $20,238. Based on the yield, the equalized homestead tax rate will be $1.56, a $0.09 decrease from last year’s $1.65. The state’s common level of appraisal, which impacts tax rates, will not be finalized until after the 2022 Town Meeting Day.

In HUUSD’s proposed budget, employee salaries have increased by 5.5% and benefits have increased by 1%. Psychological services have increased by 29.8% from last year, from $1,783,500 to $2,315,449. Building operations have increased by 5.9%, from $299,984 last year to $3,177,891 in this year’s budget. Building improvements have increased by 55.2%, from $148,700 last year to $230,800 this year.

The budget before voters includes moving the surplus of $1,524,424 from 2021 to the maintenance reserve fund to complete some of the efficiencies and repairs to Harwood Union that were laid out in the $59.5 million bond that failed in November.

HUUSD voters will also vote on whether to create a new Central Vermont Career Center school district to allow sending districts to have more say on the school’s annual budget and governance.