door of the Three Peaks Clinic at Sugarbush.

As spring skiing approaches, The Valley Reporter checked in with Chad Borofsky at Three Peaks Medical Clinic to see how the inaugural season of the new medical facility has gone.



Three Peaks Medical Clinic is located at Lincoln Peak and staffed with a clinic manager (Lynne Brophy) and an x-ray technician (Steve Mason). Borofsky is the executive director of the clinic. Medical care is provided by 10 volunteer doctors who work two to a shift.

“We’ve seen close to 300 patients since opening in December. We’ve done 250 x-rays and kept 300-odd people out of the emergency room,” Borofsky said. The clinic has seen some patients from Mad River Glen and a handful of folks from off the mountains.

Roni Donnenfeld and her husband Succosh Norton are two Warren skiers who avoided a trip to the ER last week. They had high praise for the care they received. Norton took a header on a beautiful sunny afternoon last Friday and was treated at Three Peaks.

“We were able to receive care from a skilled physician at no cost, have an x-ray taken and read, given a diagnosis and plan of action for next steps and sent on our way with a smile,” Donnenfeld wrote.


The clinic has been open weekends along with holiday weeks. It was the brainchild of former Sugarbush president Win Smith, (now a clinic board member) Borofsky and medical director Dr. Barbara Masser. Beginning in 2021 they were able to raise funds to cover set-up costs and hire the two staff people. An anonymous donor paid for the $70,000 x-ray machine and they are currently working to raise funds for a cardiac monitor, which costs $30,000.

It is located at the site of UVM Medical Clinic that closed in 2019.

“We can always use more doctors. They need to be emergency or sports medicine or orthopedic doctors although a primary care physician could also work,” Borofsky said.

Volunteer doctors who work six shifts per season get a free pass for themselves as well as all their dependents. They get many resort discounts, half price on food, reduced prices on lessons and Blazer programs and more.

The clinic is open through April 15, 2023.