Voters re-elected Ginny Vasseur to a one-year term as tax collector, Tom Bisbee to a three-year term on the cemetery commission, Debbie Jones to a three-year term as trustee of public money, David Jones to a one-year term as grand juror and Dave Olenick to a one-year term as town agent.

Voters approved the town's proposed municipal budget of $948,906, which included $10,000 towards the Joslin Memorial Library in Waitsfield. Library trustees had asked Fayston to contribute $16,000 this year based on the percentage of patrons who hail from Fayston and based on the 60/40 cost split that the two towns share with their combined volunteer fire department.


Select board member Jared Cadwell said that the relationship and percentages between the two towns were being studied by a joint committee of library trustees and a select board member from each town.

Voters also okayed up to $50,000 to replace culverts on town roads and decided to appoint a first constable rather than elect one.

Fayston voters opted against ceasing to mail the town report to voters after a lengthy discussion. Resident Ned Kelley brought forth an amendment asking the town to pass a resolution calling for the closure of Vermont Yankee under other business. That passed after another lengthy discussion.

