Volunteers constructing welcome center for the Mad River Valley dog park.

Installation of the Mad River Valley Dog Park, which will be located behind the solar panels at Brooks Field in Warren is well on its way.



Dog park spokesperson Eve Silverman reported that on July 13, a dozen volunteers assisted Charlie Hosford in raising the roof of the dog park’s new Welcome Center. Made accessible with a ramp, the Welcome Center will provide a place to gain information, rest, and easily view the activities in the park. 

“Andrew Spencer and his crane, along with Charlie’s careful planning of the raise made the process go easily,” Silverman said.

“If you walk by the park location, you’ll also notice the fencing installation has also begun. Like everyone it seems, we are feeling the impact of supply chain issues and are delayed in some aspects of the construction due to materials that have not yet arrived,” she added.

Expect ongoing updates about the expected opening of the park.