Friends of the Mad River photo contest returns

Mad Shed Love, Friends of the Mad River’s annual photo/video contest returns for its seventh year. Folks are encouraged to share their favorite photos of the spring/summer season and the Mad River, the watershed that connects The Valley.

Since #madshedlove first launched in 2017, hundreds of people have shared photos, videos, and stories – which Friends of the Mad River have shared through their different online platforms to foster a sense of stewardship of this place.

This is a photo contest with a spin – contest meets raffle! Rather than judging entries, organizers will draw for prizes from photo entries (one photo =  one entry) so all photos submitted by July 12 are eligible for the final prize drawings. Mad Bush Falls and Artisans' Gallery have donated the spring/summer prizes. Visit to submit entries.





Marisa Smith wins Valley Players playwright award

The board of directors of the Valley Players in Waitsfield, announces the winner of the 2024 Valley Players Playwright Award is Marisa Smith Kraus of West Lebanon, NH, for her play “Outrage.

The play takes place at a small midwestern college where a young African-American professor is up for tenure. His department chair invites him and his wife for dinner, where the conversation takes on the issues of a bruised and battered America with profound results.

Marisa Smith Kraus’s previous full-length plays include “The Naked Librarian,” “Venus Rising,” “Sex and other Disturbances,” “Saving Kitty,” and “Mad Love.” Her 10-minute plays have been produced in the Boston Marathon of 10-Minute Plays, Barrington Stage in NY and in other theaters around the country. They include “The Dress Rehearsal,” “Getting Into Vassar,” “The Pre-Nup,” “Polar Bear Swim,” “Day One,” “Welcome to the Beekman Arms,” “No Love,” “Please,” “Cubs Win!” and “Total Expression.” Film Credits include “Second Wind” and “Surprise Engagement.”

The Valley Players Playwright Award was established in 1982 in memory of Audrey Mixer by her husband, Richard, both of whom were involved in the Valley Players’ early years. The contest began with the intent of promoting theater arts and encouraging and supporting the creation of original plays by residents of Vermont but was soon expanded to include residents of New Hampshire and Maine. An award has been granted almost every single year of the past 42. The play must be a full length non-musical and cannot have been previously produced or published. A cash prize is awarded to the winning playwright, and the winning play also may be produced by the Valley Players.

For details on submitting an entry for 2025, go to




Hoogenboom honored for community service

One Wednesday, June 12, the Waterbury Rotary Club and the town of Moretown honored John Hoogenboom with the planting of a Leonard Nestle magnolia bush in front of the Moretown town office in recognition for his outstanding community service and Arbor Day support for Moretown Elementary School.