Fayston School is looking to make things safer for students to walk to and around the school. Last year, the school finished up a travel plan with the assistance of the Vermont Safe Routes to School program. The travel plan outlined what the school hoped to do in the next few years to promote more bicycling and walking. The final report by this year's steering committee and Broadreach Associates is open for public review and comments and will be discussed at the final public work session on Wednesday, September 4, at 7 p.m. at the Fayston School.

The Fayston Select Board secured funding from the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (CVRPC) to do a feasibility study of adding sidewalks or other walking improvements on the school and German Flats Road, in front of the school. The main issues identified were walking and pedestrian access to the school, access to the parking and teaching area across German Flats Road and main parking lot safety.

The town's consultants, Broadreach Planning & Design, with assistance from Toole Design Group and Heritage Landscapes, LLC, have been working with a town steering committee to generate as many viable alternative ways of improving the walking conditions around the school as they can think of. After generating a lengthy list-- everything from wider gravel shoulders on German Flats Road to a tunnel under it or a bridge over it -- and a public planning session in June, the consultants and steering committee have a final proposal. The plan includes modifying the present parking lot, improving the ramp to the playground for accessibility and providing stairs and a ramp to a crosswalk across German Flats Road to an expanded parking area near the nature study area and McCullough Barn. Radar signs, school warnings and a crosswalk light are included.

Copies of the report are available at the FaystonSchool.org website, or the Broadreach.com website.

Steering Committee members include: Jean Berthiaume, Doug Bergstein, Justina Boyden, Jared Cadwell, Patti Lewis, Doug Mosle, Rick Rayfield, Kevin Russell and Corey Stephenson.

