As the Moretown Planning Commission works on updating the Town Plan, it wants to hear from the community. On Tuesday, March 18, at 6:30 p.m., the planning commission is hosting a fiscal health workshop at the Moretown Town Hall.

The workshop will begin with a presentation of information and a panel discussion of issues facing Moretown, before the planning commission asks residents to share their responses to questions such as:

Should the town encourage more businesses in Moretown? If so, what kind and scale? Where/where not?

Are changes needed to the current zoning for commercial and industrial development?

If Cell 4 is approved for the Moretown Landfill, how should the town manage future landfill revenues? If it is not approved, how should the town prepare for a future without landfill revenues?

Should any town services be eliminated, reduced or otherwise changed to lower town expenses and taxes? If so, what and how?

In a survey that the planning commission put out to the community last fall, taxes, spending and economic development emerged as major themes among residents' responses, and the planning commission encourages all residents who are concerned about the town's fiscal future and want to take a role in shaping future town policies to attend the workshop. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information on the event or the Town Plan update, visit
